Change of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)


It is a mandatory condition of your premises licence that a designated premises Supervisor (DPS) is appointed. The DPS must hold a current personal license.


After placing your order you will receive a confirmation email with details of what information we require.

Please check your spam folder and contact us if you require any further details.

Change of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

  • It is a mandatory condition of your premises licence that a designated premises Supervisor (DPS) is appointed.
  • The DPS must hold a current personal license.
  • Selling alcohol without a DPS is a breach of the licensing conditions and is viewed as unauthorised sales of alcohol.
  • Please note unauthorised sales of alcohol carries a maximum penalty of unlimited fines, 6 months in prison or both.
  • When your DPS intends to leave the business or you want to change the DPS it is the responsibly of the Premise License holder to specify another personal licence holder as DPS on the premises licence.

What does the process comprise of?

JSH Solutions will complete all the applicable application forms and submit these on your behalf to your local council plus pay the fee of £23

We will liaise with and send a copy of your application to the local police.